While creating the product, you can select the ‘Variable product’ option from the drop-down. To be able to create different variations, you will have to set up attributes and define values to each of them. You can use different attributes and values to create variations. After that, you can manually create available variations or create all possible variations in one go. You can update individual details for each variation, after all required variations are created.
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Libero, iaculis sit iaculis in leo. Est pretium velit enim vel amet curabitur urna facilisis vestibulum. Scelerisque fames…
Purus nisl tristique euismod eget lorem lectus semper ipsum. Nunc eros erat morbi nunc, purus dui urna. Pellentesque…
Consequat ornare donec non odio pellentesque. Lectus lorem pharetra, in quam ultrices. Vitae tortor, vestibulum mi cursus.
Nunc vitae viverra nibh sed non phasellus. Ipsum bibendum aliquam morbi vitae convallis vestibulum tortor cras quis. Porta…
Aliquet urna, condimentum vitae non mattis neque sagittis, sit risus. Proin eget venenatis suspendisse eget euismod. Vitae vivamus…
Lectus donec sit mauris ac pellentesque purus. Tortor lectus et dolor, nibh suscipit pharetra. Eget auctor purus diam…